In beautiful spaces, carefully restored, it presents a rich collection of paintings virreinales and of the XIXth century, as well as exquisite furniture and objects of daily use of diverse epochs that come out, for their vocation of beauty, the function that gave to them origin appearing now as eloquent witnesses of to pass of the time:
Furnitures |
One of the fundamental parts of the array is the furniture, evoking the way of life of the society of that time. Between the most important pieces, there is a dining room with an Italian renaissance style of the XVIIth century, carved in wood of oak, the antecomedor is of the half of the XIXth century, style Jorge Unna; in the principal lounge the Room has a Louis XVI style.

The art gallery is integrated by works of Mexican authors of the period of the Cologne, XIXth and XXth century. Among the most important, we can name the Christ of Ixmiquilpan, painted by Miguel Cabrera in 1746, and "Jerusalem in times of Jesus ", where the whole Christ's Passion takes form.

Ceramics and crystal |
This collection is formed by pieces of different types of crystal like murano, french cut, ruby glass, farm, pip and bristol of the XVIIth, XVIIIth and XIXth centuries, as well as pieces of ceramics so much Mexican as European.
Esculpture |
In the sculptures of the museum, there are pieces of cane of corn, ivory, bronze, height in wood polychrome and stewed, which show us a variety of styles, manufactures and techniques.
In this magnificent collection of 43 clocks, we find one of the German XVIIth century, which manufacture is totally in wood, likewise there are of diverse nationalities and materials. There are two very important of the XIXth century, because they are an exact reply of Reims's Cathedral in France.
Crucifixes |
Including painting and sculpture, there are 54 Crucifixes in whole, of diverse epochs and styles from the XVIIth century. They can be situated of ivory, bronze, wood, silver, cane of corn, up to the contemporary ones of: mecate, iron, ceramics, etc.